Your Friends

Are your friends the people you want them to be?

The Daily Habit For Doers

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

- Jim Rohn

The people around you have a significant impact on who you become. 

And you find the people you seek

In a recent tweet, Patrick Bet-David said the following — and we think he’s right. 

Alphas find each other. 

Bitter people find each other.

Entitled people find each other.

Positive people find each other.

Big thinkers find each other. 

Those who blame the 🌎 find each other.

Critical thinkers find each other. 

Those who can reason find each other.

Criminals find each other. 

Party animals find each other.  

Gamers find each other.  

Those who believe in God find each other.  

Atheists find each other.

Complainers find each other.  

Your circle is a direct reflection of you. 

You attract who you relate to. 

I like my circle to be driven, competitive, able to reason, fun, loyal, supportive while constantly in the hunt for the next milestone. 

If you don’t like your circle, start by changing your mindset.  

Then identify which types of people you want in your circle.

Eventually, your circle will upgrade.

If you’re realizing that the people you’re surrounded by aren’t the people you want to be surrounded by… what do you do about it? 

Here are some ways to gradually upgrade your circle (so you can upgrade yourself)...

Careful What You “Like” — Facebook, YouTube, and all the other social media platforms are desperately trying to figure out what you like… so they can show you more of it. If you want to improve the people you connect with online (as well as the content you consume), then start being intentional about the stuff you spend time watching or reading. 

Intentionally Connect With Interesting People — It’s easier than ever before to find and connect with interesting people. On social media, you can easily find people with similar interests, send a friend request, and introduce yourself. It might seem weird, but it’s effective. When I was trying to change my circle so I could break into the online writing world, I sent a friend request to anyone who sounded interesting to me. Many of those connections inadvertently became new friendships. You could also, of course, attend in-person meetups or get-togethers. 

Reduce Time Spent With Low Performers — I still have a few very meaningful friendships from my younger years. While there’s a big gap between myself and them in terms of ambition and even mindset, I still enjoy staying connected with them. All things in moderation. You don’t have to cut out friends entirely… but you also shouldn’t spend so much time with low-performers that it has a significant impact on your own mental attitude

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