Sunday Insider - Edition #70

“Don't look at your feet to see if you are doing it right. Just dance.”

The Daily Habit For Doers

“Don't look at your feet to see if you are doing it right. Just dance.” 

- Anne Lamott

Here’s some stuff that inspired us this last week. 

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Listen: Bill Gurley Interviews Tim Ferriss — Reflecting on 20+ Years of Life and Business Experiments (#682)

This is a special episode and a turning of the tables. This time, legendary investor Bill Gurley interviews me, and the recording is from earlier this year at SXSW in Austin, TX. The conversation explores some of my lessons learned and favorite findings over the last two decades in areas like entrepreneurship, tech, and podcasting. I throw in some favorite books and other spice to keep things interesting.

Read: The Past is Not True

When I was 17, I was driving recklessly and crashed into an oncoming car. I found out that I broke the other driver’s spine, and she’ll never walk again.

I carried that burden with me everywhere, and felt so horrible about it for so many years that at age 35 I decided to find this woman to apologize. I found her name and address, went to her house, knocked on the door, and a middle-aged woman answered. As soon as I said, “I’m the teenager that hit your car eighteen years ago and broke your spine”, I started sobbing - a big ugly cry, surfacing years of regret. She was so sweet, and hugged me saying, “Oh sweetie, sweetie! Don’t worry. I’m fine!” Then she walked me into her living room. Walked.

Turns out I had misunderstood. Yes she fractured a couple vertebrae but it never stopped her from walking. She said “that little accident” helped her pay more attention to her fitness, and since then has been in better health than ever. Then she apologized for causing the accident in the first place. Apologized.

I said, “Well, no, it was my fault for ignoring the yield sign.”

She said, “No, it was my fault because I was eating while driving and not watching the road. You didn’t hit me. I hit you.”

Seems we had both thought the accident was our fault, and had spent eighteen years feeling bad about it. This time she started crying, sniffled, grabbed a tissue to wipe her eyes and said, “It’s so stupid - these stories.”

Watch: It's Time to Focus: Unlock Your Productivity and Achieve Your Goals

In this video, we'll delve into the importance of focus in achieving success and fulfillment. Discover how to eliminate distractions, manage your time effectively, and develop a laser-sharp focus that propels you towards your goals.

Through insightful tips, actionable techniques, and motivational insights, we'll guide you on a journey of increased productivity and improved goal attainment. Learn how to prioritize tasks, cultivate a growth mindset, and harness the power of deep work.

Join us as we celebrate the triumphs of individuals who have mastered the art of focus and achieved remarkable results. Together, we'll inspire you to eliminate distractions, streamline your efforts, and unlock your full potential.

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