Sunday Insider - Edition #59

The Daily Habit For Doers

Here’s some stuff that inspired us this last week. 

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Listen: Win The Game Of Life: 7 Greatest Philosophical Ideas That Will Make You Reinvent Yourself

Life is a beautiful game. Here's how you win. If you're looking to truly get ahead in life then this video is for you. In this masterclass, you will learn 7 powerful ideas from renowned experts that will completely shift your reality. Sit back & enjoy the episode.

Read: The Neuroscience of Achieving Your Goals

We’re in desperate need of some cheat codes here. And that’s why living in the age of modern neuroscience is such a blessing. The best way to become a master shot caller is to understand your brain. Or, more specifically, the neuroscience of goal pursuit. 

Watch: Why Patience is Power | Priceless Benefits of Being Patient

Not only is impatience unpleasant, but it’s also pointless. Impatience is the unwillingness to live life at the pace it actually happens; we wish for the universe to bend to our will. We want things now. We want things to change in an instant. But in reality, external circumstances are not up to us: no matter how much we wish that to be the case. Patience, the opposite virtue, is based on the acceptance of what is.

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