My Nose is Plugged

A few simple lessons from influenza…

The Daily Habit For Doers

“To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering.”

- Friedrich Nietzsche

As I’m writing this, my face hurts. 

Both of my ears are plugged. I can’t breathe out of my right nostril. And a bead of sweat just formed on my forehead from a heat flash. 

My head feels like it took a haymaker from Mike Tyson.

‘tis the season — and this week my entire family ended up catching this year’s edition of influenza. It’s been rough. 

But here are a few things this sickness has reminded me of…

Sometimes, Survival is Enough — Before I got sick, I was working on multiple business endeavors, working out five days a week, and walking well over 10,000 steps. It’s hard. But being so sick (myself and my family) has grinded that momentum to a halt. And that’s okay. Sometimes you’ve just gotta get through it. 

The Pain is Worse if You Focus On It — Last night I struggled sleeping because the sinus pressure is causing quite a bit of pain. But I’ve been finding that the more I focus on that particular pain (because it irritates me like crazy), the worse the pain is. When I choose to accept the pain and just let it be, it seems to shrink. Pain is real, but it also responds to our perception of it. 

Suffering is Temporary & Always Has Lessons — The only thing we want suffering to do is end. Because it stinks to go through it. But it’s always temporary and it always contains at least a few simple lessons for us to learn. We’re miserable in the midst of it, but we might as well think about what we have to learn from our suffering.

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