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- Never blame anything.
Never blame anything.
This incredible & FREE workshop (usually $199) is all you need to become an AI Genius & learn about the power & use-cases of AI in 2024.
Sign up now & get it at $0 (offer for first 100 people only) 🎁
In this workshop, you will learn:
🚀 To do quick excel analysis, & make stunning AI-powered PPTs
🚀 How to build your own personal AI assistant to do work at 1/10th the time
🚀 Multiple use-cases & features of ChatGPT & be on top of AI trends
🚀 Become an expert at prompting & use AI tools like never before
So are you ready to work fewer hours & drive 10x more impact? Hurry! Join the workshop here (100 FREE seats only!) 🎁
Today’s Tonic: Never Blame Anything
“He who blames others has a long way to go on his journey. He who blames himself is halfway there. He who blames no one has arrived.”
– Chinese Proverb
The secret to transforming your situation is never to blame anything.
Blame is the go-to explanation we use when we’re not where we want to be.
But it creates a mental block.
If you say you ‘don’t have enough time’ to work on something, you’re creating a limitation to your own success.
It feels scary to never blame anything.
Suddenly, responsibility is yours and yours alone.
But on the flip side, when you stop blaming then suddenly there are no more limits.
So don’t do it.
Give that power back to yourself 🙂